Volume 02 Issue 03
Mathematical Model for the Physiological Measures
N. Kavitha | pp: 01-05 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to derive the mathematical results for the stress responses between men and women. Women typically report higher levels of negative affect than men. This study sought to evaluate several physiological measures between women and men to a social stress challenge. The broader implications of the Mathematical results are discussed.
Image Retrieval through Online Multimodal Distance Metric Learning
L. Dinesh, S. Sasikala | pp: 06-10 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: Content-based image retrieval also known as query by image content (QBIC) and content-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR).”Content-based” means that the search analyzes the contents of the image. Distance metric learning (DML) is a main method to perfect similarity search in content-based image retrieval. In previous Distance metric learning methods in general belong to single-modal DML in that they learn a distance metric either on a single type of feature or on a combined feature space by simply concatenating multiple types of diverse features together. In this method some problems are occur they are 1. Some types of features May significantly dominate the others in the DML task, weakening the ability to exploit the potential of all features and 2. The naive concatenation approach may result in a combined high dimensional feature space, making the subsequent DML task computationally intensive. In this paper a novel framework of Online Multi-modal Distance Metric Learning (OMDML), this learns distance metrics from multi-modal data or multiple types of features via online learning scheme. Our propose multi-modal distance metric learning scheme for content-based image retrieval, which consists of two phases, 1. Learning phase and 2. Retrieval phase. Learning phase work to facilitate the image ranking task in the retrieval phase. Retrieval phase work to produce the list of corresponding top-ranked images to user. Experimental result to evaluate the performance of our algorithms for multi-modal image retrieval, in which results validate the effectiveness of our proposed technique.
Stock Selection with a Novel Sigmoid-Based Mixed Discrete-Continuous Differential Evolution Algorithm
M. George Fernandez, V.Angalin priyadharshini | pp: 11-15 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: Stock market is a mostly a virtual exchange of securities and Risk that is, shares for raising the finance and derivatives of a leading companies. Predicting the stock trend is highly challenging since the stock market data are highly time variant data and nonlinear pattern. To introspect challenges in stock market need to overcome the impediments and strive for further improving our focus on prediction of share market. In this paper investigated a stock selection model by introducing and improving the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm for model optimization. Two main steps are involved in this stock selection models. The selection models are stock scoring and stock ranking. First, a stock scoring mechanism is designed, in which stocks were evaluated based on various fundamental and technical features. Second, the top-ranked stocks are selected to formulate an equal-weighted portfolio as the model output. For choosing proper features and optimizing the corresponding weights. This investigation of stock selection model with a novel sigmoid-based DE algorithm for the mixed discrete-continuous optimization, and to verify its superiority over benchmark models with other model designs (in terms of different decision variables and fitness functions) and other popular optimization techniques.
Dynamic Cloud Instance Acquisition using Cloud Brokerage
P. Muthamil Selvan, D. Infanta Jersy | pp: 16-20 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: The Infrastructure-as-a-Service clouds scheme provides various pricing choices, counting on-demand and reserved instances with various reductions to attract different cloud users. Depending upon the users and invented by cost as different ranges and their needs. To overcome this problem, in this project propose a cloud brokerage service. The cloud brokerage service that reserves a huge group of service details from cloud providers and helps users with price reductions. Automatically, the cloud broker leverages the wholesale model and the pricing gap between booked and number of ongoing instances to reduce the costs of all the users. More essentially, the broker can optimally organize different users to reach extra cost savings. On one hand, when the broker aggregates user demands, bursts in demand will be smoothed out, primary to securer aggregated demand that is open to the reservation option. On the other hand, for multiple users, each inviting partial usage during the same and reducing cost of service and exploit the optimum value for the cloud data’s. For the dynamic strategies of reservation and advantages of multiplexing. Dynamic programming and approximation to predict the largest prices and demands .It reduces the costs for cloud users, however revolving a profit or itself. Also propose dynamic approaches for the decreasing cost and increasing reserved cloud data’s. These approaches control dynamic programming and approximation algorithms to quickly handle huge sizes of demand. The behavior imitations focused by a huge size of real-world suggestions to evaluate the performance of the proposed brokerage service and reservation strategies.
Private Security and User to User Relationship Using OSN
R.Kayalvizhi, L. Helen preethi silviya | pp: 21-25 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: In current years we are undergoing the wonderful growth in Online Social Networks (OSNs) and develop a hundreds of millions of Internet users. Digital social communications and information security are the means offered by these OSNs, but also raise a number of security and privacy issues. Multiple users of OSNs constrained privacy users are constrained to access the shared data, without any mechanism. Users and resources in online social networks (OSNs) are interconnected through many types of relationships. In specific, user-to-user relationships form the origin of the OSN structure, and show a major role in specifying and applying access control. Separate users and the OSN provider should be allowed to specify which access can be granted in terms of current relationships. In this investigation a user-to-user relationship-based access control (UURAC) model, allowing users the ability to express more sophisticated and fine-grained access control policies in terms of type pattern and depth of relationships among users in the network. Type pattern captures the pattern of relationship types along the relationship path from the accessing user to the target user. Regular expression-based approach for policy specification. Sequence of characters and quantification notations are employed to denote relationship paths, which express indirect relationships among users. The use of regular expression and multiple relationship types gives the policy language the ability to specify more neat policies. We demonstrate two path checking algorithms to determine whether the required relationship path between users for a given access request occurs. After implementing a prototype system and calculating the performance of these two algorithms.
Development of Driver Fatigue Monitoring and Alarming System using OpenCV
N. Tiruvenkadam, R. Raghul, P.R. Karthik | pp: 26-30 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: Driver drowsiness is recognized as an important factor in vehicle accidents. It was demonstrated that driving performance with increased drowsiness results in approximately 20% of all vehicle accidents. The development of technologies for preventing drowsiness has been a major challenge in the field of accident avoidance. In this research article we have developed a system which detects drowsiness and provides an alert to the driver. This system incorporates video analysis using OpenCV and PYTHON IDLE 2.0 with the help of a digital camera. This is a noncontact technique for detecting various levels of driver fatigue. The developed model will be able to monitor driver fatigue and provide an alarm when necessary, it is possible to reduce the rate of accidents caused due to drowsiness by implementing this system in vehicles.
Dynamic Secure Cloud Data Search over Encrypted Results
P .Muthamil Selvang, S.Sanjeev, G. Elatharasan | pp: 31-35 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: Many data user are encouraged to outsource their data to cloud servers for great portable and reduced costs in data management which is increased popularity of cloud computing. However, sensitive data should be encrypted before outsourcing for privacy requirements, so the data use like keyword-based document retrieval. We present a secure and efficient multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted data, which additionally supports dynamic update operations like deletion and insertion of documents. Explicitly, we construct an index tree based on vector space model and the used “term frequency (TF) X inverse document frequency (IDF)” model to provide multi-keyword search, which meanwhile supports flexible update operations. Then generates an encrypted document collection for plaintext document using the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. To improve search efficiency, we further propose a “Greedy Depth-first Search (GDFS)” algorithm based on tree-based index structure. The user can decrypt the encrypted documents with the shared secret key. With this approach, we can improve safe and search effectiveness.
Optimization of Turning Process Parameters Using Vikor Method In Turning Operation
S. Sivasankar, B. Singaravel | pp: 36-41 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: In this work, process parameters are optimized in turning of EN25 steel with different types of coated carbide tools by the application of combined VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje in Serbian (VIKOR) method. The selected process parameters are cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and types of coated tool for minimization of micro hardness, surface roughness and maximization of Material Removal Rate (MRR). VIKOR method uses VIKOR index values to obtain optimum combination of process parameters using suitable coated tool. The result revealed that this proposed method is appropriate for solving multi criteria optimization of process parameters. Also, results showed that cutting speed of 167 m/min, feed rate of 0.28 mm/rev and depth of cut of 1.8 mm are the optimum combination of process parameters.
Implementation of Puma [Protocol for Unified Multicasting through Announcements] in MANET
P. Thiyagarajan | pp: 42-46 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: An ad-hoc network is the self-organizing network that does not needed a wired infrastructure. Each node can communicate with another node, no access point controlling medium access is necessary. Multicast is a transmission method that allows copies of a information/message to be sent to a selected group of receivers. There are number of multicast protocols are available such as protocol for unified multicasting through announcement [PUMA], on – demand multicast routing protocol [ODMRP], multicast ad hoc on-demand distance vector protocol [MAODV], the adaptive demand – driven multicast routing protocol [ADMR], core assisted mesh protocol [CAMP].In this paper, implementation of protocol for unified multicasting through announcement in mobile ad hoc network. In that protocol first we can form a multicast group. In that multicast group we can elect one of the node as a core. Selection of a core based on the node ID which node having highest ID that will be as a core of a group. The receiver will be a part of the group. Protocol for unified multicasting through announcement is a receiver initiated approach. When the receiver is demand occur at that time send the request to a core node. The core node will announce the entire network. Who having information send to the core. Now the core will be multicasting to the receiver. The receiver will receive the data to the minimum hop count. Using the protocol for unified multicasting through announcement protocol the packet delivery ratio is improved and control overhead is reduced.
Lightweight Privacy-Preserving and Secure Communication Protocol for Hybrid Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
R.Tamilarasan, K.Preethi | pp: 47-52 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: Lightweight protocol is secure communication and preserving users’ anonymity and location privacy in hybrid ad hoc networks. The payment can be secured without submitting or processing payment proofs (receipts) with our Lightweight Privacy-Preserving and Secure Communication Protocol. Also Symmetric-key-cryptography operations and payment system are used to secure route discovery and data transmission but preserve users’ anonymity with low overhead, we develop efficient pseudonym generation and trapdoor techniques that do not use the resource-consuming asymmetric-key cryptography. Pseudonyms techniques do not require large storage area or frequently contacting a central unit for refilling.. Developing low-overhead secure and privacy-preserving protocol is a real challenge due to the inherent contradictions: Securing the protocol requires each node to use one authenticated identity, but a permanent identity should not be used for privacy preservation.
Experimental Studies on a Dimpled Tube Heat Exchanger with Copper Twist Inserts
S. Thulasi, S. Jaisankar | pp: 53-55 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: Heat Exchanger is equipment which transfers the energy from a hot fluid to a cold fluid. In this experiment there are two pipes are fixed one over another. One is copper pipe and another one is Galvanized iron pipe. The hot water passes through the copper pipe and the cold water passes through the Galvanized iron pipe. The copper pipe surface has dimpled for 5mm diameter; it will resist the flow of cold water. The galvanized pipe surface absorbs the heat from the water in the copper pipe. The inlet and outlet temperatures of the water have measured by the temperature indicator. For passive augmentation technique concept the two types of copper twists such as delta wing and centre wing twisted tape has placed on inside of the copper pipe to resist the flow of water and increases the retention time of water, the heat transfer enhances and efficiency increases up to 8-10% with twisted tape inserts at minimum twist ratio of 3.
Study and Analysis of Tamil Major Students’ Interest in Tamil Language
C. Kiruba Thangarani, S. Ezhilmaran | pp: 56-61 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: The present study analyze after the completion of higher secondary education, some of the students opt for higher education in Tamil literature for academic and profession. Learning outcomes of Tamil literature courses stand for the conceptual development, viz mastery of the subject matter and related process skills including the development of favorable attitudes and appreciation in respect of the various courses of study. Interest of the Tamil major students towards their course may increase or decrease in the long run when they cross the course from UG to PG and PG to M.Phil. Keeping this view, this study finds out the Tamil major students’ interest towards Tamil Language.
Performance Analysis of Solar Water Purification Concentrators Parabolic Trough Collector for Ni-Cr Coating
P.Gopal, Azhagiri Pon | pp: 62-65 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: The motivation for this project is the limited availability of clean water resources and the abundance of impure water available for potential conversion into potable water. Our project goal is to efficiently produce clean drinkable water from solar energy conversion. To achieve this goal, a system was designed incorporating a parabolic solar trough coupled with a custom designed distillation device. The incoming solar radiation from the sun focused and concentrated onto a receiver pipe using a parabolic trough, heating the incoming impure water, at which point it is sprayed into our custom designed distillation device where it evaporates and is recondensed into pure potable water.
Design and Analysis of Compliant Gripper Mechanism using Topology Optimization
P.Gopal, Azhagiri Pon | pp: 66-79 | Purchase PDF
Abstract: Compliant mechanisms have been designed for various types of applications to transmit desired forces and motions. It also focuses the active research, because of the stability, robustness and ease of manufacturing endowed by their unitized construction. The objective of the proposed topology optimization method is to maximize the output displacement of the analyzed compliant mechanism at the same input condition, which is equivalent to maximize the Geometric Advantage. Matlab codes used for topology optimization. For displacement and stress analysis, finite element based ANSYS software used and compared with experimental values. The analysis domain is a two-dimensional plane, and the two-dimensional loading condition can be analyzed. The optimization problem is subject to a volume constraint, and the design variable is the pseudo density of each element.