Author(s): K. Syed Jafar Abstract: The solar collector performance can be enhanced with help of Nanofluids. The Nano fluid has high conductivity property. So, it can be able to absorb maximum possible concentrated incident solar radiation and also change the heat transfer characteristics of the…
Download Category: Volume02 Issue04
Experimental Analysis of Thermo Electric Refrigeration System by Using the Solar Power
Author(s): P. Gopal, Azhagiri Pon Abstract: Investigational sample of thermoelectric refrigeration system working on solar photo voltaic cells generated DC energy. The urbanized tentative example having a refrigeration space of 1.36liter capacity is refrigerated by using heat sink fan assembly to increase heat dissipation rate from…
Performance Study of Dibutyl Ether Blended Petrol in SI Engine
Author(s): D.B. Sivakumar, P.Gopal, Azhagiri Pon, S. Arunkumar Abstract: A single cylinder small engines have low compression ratio (CR), and they run with slightly rich mixture, their power are low and emission values are high. In this study, was used to increase performance and decrease emissions…
Performance and Emission Analysis of a Single Cylinder CI Engine using Jatropha Biodiesel with Hydroxy (HHO) Gas
Author(s): P. Gopal, Azhagiri Pon Abstract: Now days, there are many sources of renewable energy. Bio diesel is just one source, but a very important one. Currently Jatropha biodiesel (JBD) is receiving attentions as an alternative fuel for diesel engine. Present work is focused on analyzing…