Parvathy S Nath, Aparna Ravindran, Abhijith E S, Adithya S Kumar | pp: 78-86

Abstract: The increase in population and the growth of businesses has resulted in an increase in waste output. Leachate is a liquid that results from the movement of water through solid waste and can contain a variety of contaminants, including heavy metals, organic compounds etc. The objective of the project is to develop a long-term solution to leachate percolation into groundwater. Here, we consider the case of Brahmapuram waste dumping site at Kochi. As degradable and non degradable wastes are disposed there, leachate seeps into the ground and mixes with groundwater and the river that run along its boundary. As a result, the water from adjacent water bodies becomes unfit for drinking and other uses. Therefore, we are developing a solution for this problem. A landfill is firstly designed using data collected. After that,the leachate from waste is collected. The collected leachate is then handled sustainably and changed into a form that may be disposed into water bodies without endangering the aquatic life there. The project also seeks to suggest ways to utilize the waste generated by extracting fuels like biogas and plastic fuel. As a result, we are attempting to find a comprehensive solution for the Brahmapuram site, which has serious environmental implications.