Comprehensive Review on Effect of Dust Accumulation on PV Panel

Author(s): A. Suganya, B. Kumaragurubaran, T. Senthilkumar Abstract: One of the most popular techniques of renewable energy generation is the installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems using sunlight to generate electrical power. In this paper we review that the effect of dust accumulation on the solar panel…

Quality Improvement in Service Industry Using Voice of Customer Approach

Author(s): M. Shanmugaraja, K.S. Yokesh, C. Vasanthakumar Abstract: Quality Function Deployment is a scientific approach for converting customer complaints into Critical-to-Quality characteristic. This concept is used as driver for improving the service quality in this paper. The application of this approach in an automobile service industry…

Construction of Service in the Web Search Engine

Author(s): D. Saravanan, K. Girija, B. Kumaragurubaran, T. Senthilkumar Abstract: Club CF with slicing Algorithm is proposed in this project. This approach enacted around two stages. They are Available services are divided into the small-scale clusters and A slicing algorithm is imposed on the clusters. The…

A Review on Thermal Barrier Coating Effects on Various Applications

Author(s): N. Bala Ganesh, T. Senthil Kumar, M. Chandra Sekar Abstract: In this paper, a complete literatures review of thermal barrier coating applications in diesel engines and to find coating effects. The coating system has effects on the fuel consumption, the power and the combustion efficiency, pollution…

Experimental Investigation on Phase Change Material

Author(s): M. Aravindhan, N. Mathiazhagan, R. Ayyaswamy Abstract: The use of a latent heat storage system using phase change materials (PCMs) is an effective way of storing thermal energy and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. PCMs have…

A Security Issues and Behavior Analysis of Intrusion Detection in MANET

Author(s): D. Rajalakshmi, D. Saravanan, B. Kumaragurubaran Abstract: The mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) have been used in latest years, in several applications. They are more susceptible to malicious attack. It’s more problematical to deliver security in mobile ad hoc network entirely. It’s based on some exclusive…

Micro milling of Aluminum alloy using CNC milling machine

Author(s): M. Samuel, R. Pavendhan, R. Manickam, T. Pugalenthi Abstract: In micromachining the achievable range of material removal depth is the range of 1 x 10-6 m to 10-3 m. The least count in a normal milling machine is 0.01mm which is greater than 10-3 microns. Normally…